Does Slendex Anti-Cellulite Creams Work?

slendex before and afterAfter my earlier article on Slendex Reviews, many people asked “does slendex anti-cellulite removal cream works”. Well’ let me explain;

Many people are familiar with Cellulite and simply wish they didn’t have it and looking for anti-cellulite creams or products. Many of you will also know that there are products on the market that can help minimize the appearance of cellulite. There are anti-cellulite creams on the market that promise to reduce the spongy, dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin that causes distress to so many women, but the question is, do anti cellulite products work?

Slendex Reviews

Cellulite first surfaces on the hips, thighs and buttocks of millions of women during puberty. Most anti-cellulite creams generally tend to contain caffeine, retinol and the antioxidant DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) as the special ingredients that help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

It is estimated that 80-90% of women have cellulite somewhere on their bodies. More women have it than men, because women have thinner skin, so it shows more clearly. Though excess weight and a lack of exercise can contribute to the problem, even thin women fight the battle with Cellulite.

Watch This Video on Youtube

Slendex Reviews – The Real Cellulite Treatment

No Scientific Proof

Doctors say there is no scientific proof that cellulite creams are effective in getting rid of cellulite or reducing its appearance. However many women do see results when they use these creams as part of a diet and exercise plan. Some manufacturers of these products claim they can help speed up the process of breaking down cellulite and improve the overall feel and tone of your skin.

There are other products available on the market other than creams, for example Slendex cellulite crackle mousse. This crackle mousse helps to fight cellulite and leaves your skin feeling toned, conditioned and firm.

One of the common reasons as to why cellulite creams do not work is because of the Inefficient Ingredients and the configuration of these creams. They generally contain lack of ingredients that do nothing but moisturize the skin. Many creams contain chemical ingredients that harm your skin or destroy the fat under the skin, but when the treatment is finished, cellulite shows itself back on the body.

Anti-Cellulite creams generally contain very few active ingredients; they contain plenty of water, oil, emulsifiers, and bulking agents. Besides these substances, ingredients that could really do something for your skin’s appearance are added in very small amounts.

The ingredients listed on the label of cellulite creams can sometimes trick people as they often list a large number of active substances they contain, but in actual fact these substances may not actually help to fight cellulite at all. Some cellulite creams even contain elements of detoxification or elimination of water from the body. These elements will not help to reduce your cellulite. So when choosing your cellulite product, make sure you check the ingredients that it contains and if it actually helps reduce cellulite.

There are also other reasons why cellulite treatments may not work. Sometimes the individual using the cream feels guilty for the fact that cellulite is still there. This happens when the user does not follow the treatment as indicated and does not use the cream every day, or it might not be applied in the correct quantities that were indicated on the bottle. Another situation when the user is the reason for the product not working is the user’s lifestyle.

If a healthy diet is not followed or exercises are missing from the participant’s day to day routine, the cellulite cream will face problems in treating the issue. It is also important to bear in mind that a cellulite treatment won’t give your results instantly!

Search for the products that suit you, and make sure they contain real active natural ingredients. Do your research and make sure you know what these ingredients do. Don’t forget there are other Buy With Confidence that help to tackle cellulite- not just creams!

There are products on the market that can help with cellulite reduction or removal, make sure you do your research and find out which one suits your grade of cellulite best and your skin itself.

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

Slendex Appetite Control – 13 Q&A Before You Buy

Slendex Reviews

In this Slendex Review, we will talk about how slendex control appetite effectively to help you lose weight and firm skin. We have received many questions from our customers, let us explain;

Slendex Appetite Control alone can deliver some amazing results, but if you are looking for total body renovation without drastic measures then why not supplement your efforts with BioKonja™

BioKonja™ is a proprietary blend derived from the root of the Konjac plant together with Niacin, vitamins B2 and B12 and minerals Iron and copper.

BioKonja™ is an effective natural ingredient for weight management that works without any adverse side effects:

100% Natural Suitable for vegans and vegetarians reduce calorie intake Creates feeling of fullness Essential to energy production in the body may help reduce Cholesterol

 Q # 1 : Is Slendex Appetite Control proprietary suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Ans # 1 : Yes, it is a vegetarian capsule.

Q # 2 : Does Slendex Appetite Control contain stimulants commonly contained in any other slimming aids?

Ans # 2 : No. Sadly many slimming tablets contain amphetimins and guarana. These stimulants have extremely bad side effects which include anxiety, irritability and being unable to sleep. Slendex Appetite Control is adamantly against any artificial ingredients and prides itself on being 100% natural.

Q # 3 : How often do I apply the Slendex anti-cellulite crackle ?

Ans # 3: Use Slendex Anti-Cellulite Crackle Twice a day by massaging it into those problem areas such as thighs and hips.

Q # 4 : How often do I take Slendex appetite control ?

Ans # 4: We recommend 2 capsules to be taken prior to each main meal.

Q # 5 : How many capsules are in one months supply?

A # 5 : There are 90 capsules

Q # 6 : How much weight will I lose?

A # 6 : That depends on your starting weight, diet and exercise regime. You could be losing as much as 2 stone in 3 months!

Q # 7 : Can I take Slendex Appetite Control when i’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

A # 7 : No, this is strongly not advisable.

Q # 8 : Can children take Slendex Appetite Control?

A # 8 : We would advise you to consult your GP before giving anyone under 16yrs Slendex Appetite Control.

Q # 9 : Should I follow a strict calorie controlled diet?

A # 9 : There is no need to deprive yourself of anything as long as you are sensible and eat in moderation, the less food you consume the more weight you will lose but there is no need to starve yourself. You will feel satisfied with a small portion of food.

Q # 10 : Can I take Slendex Appetite Control if I am diabetic?

A # 10 : Yes.

Q # 11 : I have thyroid problems. Is slendex safe if I am taking Thyroxin?

A # 11 : Yes, slendex will not interfere with any thyroid medication.

Q: Are there any side effects from using Slendex Appetite Control?

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

What is Cellulite? How Does Slendex Works?

what is cellulite
What is Cellulite? How does slendex works? Beneath the surface of our skins we have a fatty tissue that sits on a firm layer of collagen connective tissue. Before cellulite shows up, the outer surface of the skin is smooth and supple (no bumps and no ridges). 

The fatty tissue beneath the skin is also smooth which causes no bumps to show. The fatty layer just below your skin is (and remains) smooth and supple as long as the fat cells remain strong, healthy and flexible inside.

The dimply, bumpy texture we call cellulite begins to occur when the structure of the fat cells begin to weaken.  When the cell walls weaken, the cells begin to “sag” and this “sagging” is what accounts for the “orange peel” look of cellulite.  The weaker the cells become, the worse the sagging and the worse the cellulite.

Cellulite is easy to spot.  It’s the “dimpled” look or “orange peel” or “bumpy” appearance that shows up on 90% of women. If you are unsure, pinch an area of your outer thigh with your thumb and index finger. If the pinched skin looks uneven or like orange peel in texture it is likely there is cellulite present. Conduct the pinch test on other areas of your body, including your arms, stomach and bottom. If your skin appears smooth when pinched, then you do not have cellulite.


For the skin on our thighs and bums to be smooth and elastic, the cells MUST be structurally strong and flexible. If they are not strong the fatty layer just below the skin develops a bumpy, “ridge and valley” texture which as a result causes cellulite.

The way the fatty tissue is attached to the underlying collagen explains why cell strength is so important. The fatty tissue and the collagen are stuck together by a strong “magnet like” attraction on a molecular level.  The fatty tissue is “pulled” toward the collagen and the collagen is “pulled” toward the fatty tissue; resulting in a strong bond between the two.

Click Here For Slendex Reviews – How to Treat Cellulite

How To notice Cellulite?

When the fat cells are STRONG and FLEXIBLE, the top surface of the fatty layer (just below your skin surface) stays smooth and unbroken even though the entire fatty layer is being “pulled” downwards towards the collagen.

If the fat cells become weaker or inflexible they can no longer maintain a smooth evenness appearance and begin to sag to the downward pressure caused by the constant attraction of the collagen.  This is how cellulite forms.

Cellulite usually begins to display when women are aged 25-35. It is also common for it to make an appearance after a woman has her first child. These are not strict guidelines. Cellulite can also occur earlier than the age of 25, and also later than age 35. Some women are very lucky and do not get any at all!

If and when cellulite appears on a women’s body it is dependent almost entirely on 1) the strength and flexibility of the fat cells, and; 2) the thickness of the underlying fat layer.

Clinically Proven Anti-Cellulite CreamCellulite is a term used to describe the textured appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It most commonly appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually appears after puberty. In its medical terms, cellulite is also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy. If you are talking in everyday language you may hear it being described as “orange peel syndrome”, “cottage cheese skin”, “hail damage”, and “the mattress phenomenon”.

Cellulite is often categorised using three grades.

Grade 1 classification sees no clinical symptoms, but a microscopic examination of cells from the area detects underlying bodily changes.

Grade 2 cellulite requires the skin to show pallor (paleness), be lower temperature, and have less elasticity in addition to bodily changes noted by microscopic examinations.

Grade 3 cellulite has visible roughness of the skin (like an orange peel) along with all grade 2 signs.

Cellulite occurs in both men and women, but it is much more common in women because they are more likely to have particular types of fat and connective tissue.

What causes cellulite is not well understood, but there are several theories that have been put forward as explanations. These include:

Hormonal factors - hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.

Genetics - certain genes are required for cellulite development. Our genes may encourage us to show certain characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.

Diet - people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite. It may also appear if in the past you have lost a lot of weight and your skins has changed dramatically.

Lifestyle factors - cellulite may be more predominant in smokers, those who lack exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time, i.e. desk workers.

Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the bum (limiting blood flow) may also contribute to the formation of cellulite.

There are products on the market that can help with cellulite reduction or removal, make sure you do your research and find out which one suits your grade of cellulite best and your skin itself.

 Why Wait! Order Slendex Anti-Cellulite Cream NOW

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

Slendex Anti-Cellulite Creams - Before & After

Slendex Before and AfterAfter my earlier article on Slendex Reviews, many people asked “does slendex anti-cellulite removal cream works”. Well’ let me explain before and after effects;

Many people are familiar with Cellulite and simply wish they didn’t have it and looking for anti-cellulite creams or products. Many of you will also know that there are products on the market that can help minimize the appearance of cellulite. There are anti-cellulite creams on the market that promise to reduce the spongy, dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin that causes distress to so many women, but the question is, do anti cellulite products work?

Cellulite first surfaces on the hips, thighs and buttocks of millions of women during puberty. Most anti-Anti-Cellulite Cream generally tend to contain caffeine, retinol and the antioxidant DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) as the special ingredients that help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

It is estimated that 80-90% of women have cellulite somewhere on their bodies. More women have it than men, because women have thinner skin, so it shows more clearly. Though excess weight and a lack of exercise can contribute to the problem, even thin women fight the battle with Cellulite.

WATCH VIDEO – Slendex Reviews – The Real Cellulite Treatment

No Scientific Proof

Doctors say there is no scientific proof that cellulite creams are effective in getting rid of cellulite or reducing its appearance. However many women do see results when they use these creams as part of a diet and exercise plan. Some manufacturers of these products claim they can help speed up the process of breaking down cellulite and improve the overall feel and tone of your skin.

 Best Anti Cellulite CreamThere are other products available on the market other than creams, for example Slendex cellulite crackle mousse. This crackle mousse helps to fight cellulite and leaves your skin feeling toned, conditioned and firm.

One of the common reasons as to why cellulite creams do not work is because of the Inefficient Ingredients and the configuration of these creams. They generally contain lack of ingredients that do nothing but moisturize the skin. Many creams contain chemical ingredients that harm your skin or destroy the fat under the skin, but when the treatment is finished, cellulite shows itself back on the body.

Anti-Cellulite creams generally contain very few active ingredients; they contain plenty of water, oil, emulsifiers, and bulking agents. Besides these substances, ingredients that could really do something for your skin’s appearance are added in very small amounts.

The ingredients listed on the label of cellulite creams can sometimes trick people as they often list a large number of active substances they contain, but in actual fact these substances may not actually help to fight cellulite at all. Some cellulite creams even contain elements of detoxification or elimination of water from the body. These elements will not help to reduce your cellulite. So when choosing your cellulite product, make sure you check the ingredients that it contains and if it actually helps reduce cellulite.

There are also other reasons why cellulite treatments may not work. Sometimes the individual using the cream feels guilty for the fact that cellulite is still there. This happens when the user does not follow the treatment as indicated and does not use the cream every day, or it might not be applied in the correct quantities that were indicated on the bottle. Another situation when the user is the reason for the product not working is the user’s lifestyle.

If a healthy diet is not followed or exercises are missing from the participant’s day to day routine, the cellulite cream will face problems in treating the issue. It is also important to bear in mind that a cellulite treatment won’t give your results instantly!

Search for the products that suit you, and make sure they contain real active natural ingredients. Do your research and make sure you know what these ingredients do. Don’t forget there are other products on the market that help to tackle cellulite- not just creams!

There are products on the market that can help with cellulite reduction or removal, make sure you do your research and find out which one suits your grade of cellulite best and your skin itself.

Try Slendex – The Real Solution To Cellulite

Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.

Cellulite and Aging Skin - The Real Solution

Cellulite and Aging of Skin! Unfortunately, all ages, a typical sign of history tells us of our skin is aging. This can be down to particular internal or external factors, but either way it is something we all try and prevent! Aging of the skin in general is caused by long exposure to sunlight, the strong UVA and UVB rays from tanning salons, cold climate, various toxins from food or the environment, the reduction of fatty internal tissue, but it is mainly down to the stress that exists in each of us unwillingly.
Find out why Slendex is so Popular among Celebrities
When we age, the collagen in our skin decreases, which means we have less skin regeneration power. Collagen and elastic fibers help keep the skin firm and portray that young look, and when they change, the skin loses this firm look and begins to look dry with a thick texture.

For many women the maximum thickness of the dermis (the tissue that supports the skin) is reached at the age of 30. After this age, the dermis begins to decline and the aging process occurs. When we have lower levels of collagen and elastic fibers this can cause the creation of fat cells, which in turn helps to develop cellulite. Inactive lifestyles also help to contribute to cellulite. When cellulite starts to show and you can see your skin aging it is important you act fast to help prevent this getting worse.

Sometimes leading a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. Reduced free time can sometimes prevent us doing any day to day exercises, sometimes we even struggle to make sure we have a balanced diet which is rich in vitamins and protein. Time passes by quickly and we affect our lifestyles daily. It is necessary to take care of your own body as much as possible and try to give what it needs.

Cellulite is a major problem for many people, (unfortunately more so for women) and it occurs because of the toxins that we provide to our body. To vanish cellulite requires specialized treatment, with is available in many cellulite creams, mousses and gels, however these need to be selected with care as not all do what they say on the bottle! Cellulite products with natural active ingredients are the best ones to use. By feeding your skin natural active ingredients, you don’t give your body toxins and your skin will age more slowly. Some cellulite creams attack cellulite, but unfortunately they also attack the body, so make sure you always read the label! Searching for the right cellulite product may take time, but it is important you don’t use the wrong one and make your skin worse.

Advanced Health LTD

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Weight Loss and Arthritis – Joint Pain Treatment

1 in 5 Americans have seen the doctor about Arthritic Conditions – The Severity of Arthritis increases with age. Deal with it now. Women of average height who are overweight and lose 10 pounds or more over 10 years can cut their risk of developing Osteoarthritis by half.

Recently we received many emails regarding Arthritis. Some asked “what is Arthritis”, some asked the relation between weight loss and arthritis and some asked for natural remedy of arthritis. So we thought let’s talk about arthritis.

Obesity spreads all over the country and we hear about its danger from every day on the news. New research shows that the obese (overweight) individuals are up to four times as likely to develop knee osteoarthritis as they are to develop high blood pressure or type-2 diabetes. The danger to health and quality of life is insidious: at every stage, excess body weight both increases the level of pain and disability and undermines the effectiveness of treatment. Also, whereas high blood pressure and diabetes may be substantially improved on losing weight and are relatively easy to control with therapy, osteoarthritis is irreversible.

Maintaining a recommended weight or losing weight if they are overweight can lessen pain by reducing stress on the affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees, back and feet.
Weight Loss and Arthritis

Increased body weight is a serious factor in the development of osteoarthritis (OA), particularly in the knees, which carry the brunt of weight day in and day out.  In fact, for every pound a person gains, add 3 pounds of pressure on the knees and six times the pressure on the hips. Since weight gain gradually increases the stress on joints, the weight gain the decade before a person has OA symptoms, particularly in middle age, plays a big role in determining if they will have OA. If the patient is overweight, work with them to devise a weight-loss plan that includes eating fewer calories and increasing physical exercise. Make sure they are getting enough nutrients to keep their body healthy and that the activities they choose don’t harm their joints.

Research has shown that losing extra weight can help people who already have osteoarthritis. Moreover, overweight or obese people who do not have osteoarthritis may reduce their risk of developing the disease by losing weight.

While we are unable to change some of the factors which make one susceptible to arthritis, such as age, sex and heredity, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes ding exercise, practicing weight loss & taking a natural (herbal) safe supplement.

Natural Way for Joint Pain Treatment

Many people become less active when they develop arthritis because of pain and the fear of causing damage. This can lead to muscles becoming weaker and wasted. It also leads to increased weight gain and obesity. Weight loss can help build-up muscles, stabilize joints, and alleviate pain and stiffness in joints.

Weight loss has been shown to have significant benefits for people with arthritis, including reductions in pain and improvements in physical function, mental health, and quality of life. Excess weight puts extra stress on weight-bearing joints, especially the knees. According to a recent study, weight loss of an average of 11 pounds can reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis by as much as 50%. Weight control can also help reduce stress on the joints and spine.

Also, regular and appropriate weight loss can have enormous benefits for people with arthritis, which include:
Better joint mobility and range of movement Improved pain management Stronger muscles and bones Decreased disease progression Improved energy levels and general well being Improved self-esteem and feeling more positive
Regular and healthy physical activity on daily basis such as walking, cycling and swimming) to strengthen supporting muscles and maintain joint mobility improves symptoms of arthritis and has been found to be greatly helpful for many.

Diet changes may make a big difference for many patients. While losing weight has long been part of arthritis treatment, the focus is now on foods and supplements that can reduce painful inflammation.

Another strategy is to identify and avoid foods that might cause arthritis to flare up. And scientific evidence is beginning to support the use of certain supplements that can relieve pain without many of the side effects of prescription drugs.

Likewise, some early research suggests that foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and risk for arthritis pain. Also, taking ginger and glucosamine (as extracted from the shells of shellfish) and chondroitin (as derived from cow cartilage) has been found to exert strong anti-inflammatory effect in arthritis.

In short, weight control is important to people who have arthritis because extra weight puts extra pressure on some joints and can aggravate many types of arthritis. Achieving a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing the disease in the first place, relieves existing symptoms and helps to prevent further deterioration.

I hope the above basic information will help you to understand what is Arthritis. You also learnt about relation between weight loss and arthritis and why Provailen is the natural way of joint pain treatment..

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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please always consult your doctor before taking any action.

Anti Aging – 6 ways to reduce skin’s process of aging

Today, I will try to explain 6 ways to reduce skin’s process of aging. Do not confuse your aging process with skin aging. We all know that aging is a natural process which is beyond us but the skin’s process of aging can be reduced by applying some proper and basic methods;

Anti Ageing
1 – Protect from Direct Sunlight (UV): Yes, sun is one of the main factor for your premature skin aging. Damage to your skin started years back but you see dead, dull and wrinkled skin now. Well, there is famous saying “When it comes to sun damage; prevention is much better than cure ”.

As you know, there are many ways to prevent sun damage occurring. We just tend to ignore or sometimes feel shame to adopt. But remember, at the end, you are the one who is suffering. Just give you few examples about how to protect from Sun;

You can use sun screen for face and neck.Use hat whenever you go outside i.e. work, shopping or even to hang out the washing etc.Use make-up that contains sunscreen Try to remain under shade when possible If you do not apply any sunscreen, at least cover your un-covered body parts with a cloth.

2 – Free Radicals: Another major factor is “free radicals”. So let first talk about what they are? They are molecules produced from many sources i.e. air, pollution, chemicals and radiation. Fatty diets and over exercising can trigger the free radicals. These free radicals can disturb your system and in latest study “could significantly damage you health” which could lead to heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. So how to prevent your skin from free radicals;

Antioxidants are helpful against free radicals. Increase your intake of antioxidants like Vitamin A and EDo not take fatty diets regularly instead colorful fruits and vegetables are best.Use of chemicals in and around the home can trigger free radicals. Try to reduce their usage at home.Use reliable source for natural skin care products that contain anti oxidants.

3 – Natural Skin Well it’s a debatable subject. One school of thought is supporting and the other is against it. For me, there is no harm as long as you use natural skin care products from the reliable source. These products will help you to reduce the amount of chemical substances you absorb into your body that can cause premature aging. Ways to prevent absorbing chemicals through the skin are:

As I mentioned above, you can use natural skin care products but from the reliable source. Read some articles before you buy. After all it’s a matter of your skin.Scent the skin with essential oils or naturally scented creams Use Aromatherapy oil blends and clays Use soaps that made from plant extractions Take a bath daily. It will help to rid the skin of dust and grime

5 – Removing the oldest dead cells: The removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin’s outermost surface is call exfoliate. It has been used for many years to help maintain skin. It is the natural way to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the body and prevent premature aging and revealing the fresh new skin cells beneath. There are many benefits to exfoliating the skin. Not only is new skin revealed but the circulation is stimulated enabling toxins to be dislodged and removed from the layers of the skin and the lymph nodes. Ways to exfoliate are:

When you take bath, use a body scrub once a week. A natural bristle skin brush will help you to reduce premature aging. Brush the dry skin before showering daily (Do not use hard brush that could damage the skin too)Use Lufah. It’s an Arabic word. loofahs will help you to remove dead cells when bathing Scratchy towel will help to stimulate your blood circulation in the skin.

6 – Dehydration: One of the most common factors is Dehydration for premature Aging. Many says, we should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Many people do not drink enough. Well it also depends on your geographical presence. Important: 8-10 glasses do not include soft drinks and / or coffee! They actually tax the system of moisture. Ways to ensure you drink enough water are: 

Try to carry a water bottle with you. Carrying a bottle is not important, what important is “DRINK IT ?”. Each person has different water requirements. So how you know how much water you should intake. Well it’s simple.

Divide your weight by 8. 
The above natural ways looks simple but we need to refresh ourselves every time, all the time to apply those rules in our daily routine.